We have a problem in our production environnement in 8.2.1 version.
The platform worked well for several days, but we suddenly had connectivity problems with our broker :
2012-03-05 15:09:44 MET [ISS.0098.0049C] Exception:com.wm.app.b2b.server.dispatcher.exceptions.EndpointUnavailableException: [ISS.0098.9014] BrokerException: Timeout (112-1450): The request timed out.
while executing trigger. Unable to ack Document for TriggerStore:wm.prt.status:controlTrigger.
In the myWebmethods server, the broker seems to work fine. We can see connected clients, broker name, ect.
For information, the IntegrationServer, the myWebmethods server and the broker are on the same host.
Have you any idea ?
PS : I’m new on this forum, sorry for my english and tell me if I forgot informations :).