I have a requirement to invoke a jar file that implements spring + ibatis framework in Java .While invoking this jar file ,I am getting the below error .
Jars are placed in the below directory.
Package was reloaded after the jars places in the directory.
It does not log any more stack trace of the error other than below . java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:com/ibatis/sqlmap/client/SqlMapExecutor
I have attached the screen shot of my java service .I am invoking an external jar and the jar uses spring + ibatis framework.
in which package is your service located?
If this Jar should be visible instancewide it is better to place it under /opt/mount1/wm/webMethods/IntegrationServer/instances/default/lib/jars/custom.
If this Jar should be visible only to certain packages than it should be placed in the first package under code/jars and all other packages need a Package Dependency to this package.
Is there any thing related to this in the /opt/mount1/wm/webMethods/IntegrationServer/instances/default/logs/server.log?
if you are not forced to use the version, can you try out ibatis- which is the latest version available form Apache Archives for the Ibatis 2-stream?
Please increase the Log-Level for the IS to Debug and see if you get a StackTrace then.
Having the StackTrace available might ease in narrowing down, why and where the InvocationTargetExcpetion is thrown.
From Release.txt for (Listed for Version 2.3.1):
o Fixed IBATIS-406 Bug in Ibatis sqlMap when one resultMap has multiple results that are resultMaps… then the groupby attribute only seems to work for the first embedded resultMap.
o Fixed IBATIS-435 Bug Using iBATIS 2.3.0 And Spring Framework