What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?
"@c8y/client": "1015.0.218",
"@c8y/ng1-modules": "1015.0.218",
"@c8y/ngx-components": "1015.0.218",
"@c8y/style": "1015.0.218",
Is your question related to the free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?
What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.
In my C8Y Angular Application, I am trying to get all the parents of one specific device. For that, I’m using the the detail function of the InventoryService. When I’m logged in with a user that has admin roles, this works. When I’m logged in with another user, that only has a Inventory Role for a specific group, the assetParents Array is empty. The Role has all inventory access fo that specific group. This is the device/group structure:
|- Group
|— Subgroup
|------ Device
The Inventory Role is activated for Group (and automaticaly for Subgroup) in this case, and when I call inventoryService.detail(deviceId, {withParents: true}), assetParents is empty.
Does anyone know, what I have to do to get the parents of the specific device?