Install as Application And Service

Hello ,
I have installed IS on Linux server.Now whenever I am doing server startUp through putty its comming down when I am closing putty window.

Command used to start server is nohup ./ &
Is it any way related with IS installation as application/Service.

Please help me to know the difference between install as application/Service.


Install as application: start/shut down manually (Windows only)

Install as service: start/shut down automatically when start/shut down system (Windows only)

Can you provide your wM version? Go to IS/bin and execute the script


Try nohup & and see if the output is redirected to the nohup file.

Thank you Mahesh for explanation.
Yes when I am executing nohup ./ & outPut is getting redirected to nohup file.

And when executing only file after server startup when pressing ctrl+c server is getting down.
Version of IS that I am using is 9.5

Script file i am using to do server startup is InstallationDirectory/IntegrationServer/bin not the one that is residing inside InstallationDirectory/softwareag/profiles/IS/bin.


Are you sure that your script file is ?

I assume it should be script file for webMethods 9.5.

Can you list the files under InstallationDirectory/softwareag/profiles/IS/bin directory

Can you have a look at the server log. You must have some information in here to investigate further.

Now I have started from InstallationDirectory/softwareag/profiles/IS/bin/ and it is working correctly.
I was facing issue when using the script one residing inside softwareag/IntegrationServer/bin directory

Ideally which script we are supposed to use InstallationDirectory/softwareag/profiles/IS/bin or softwareag/IntegrationServer/bin.So far I remember in 8.x version there was no profile directory softwareag directory.



I need to explore the script difference in InstallationDirectory/softwareag/profiles/IS/bin or softwareag/IntegrationServer/bin

I will let you know…

Did you get the time to have a look at the script file by viewing them? vi scriptfilename or more scriptfilename

Scripts are different.
I am trying to understand the logic for this.Will let you know if get something interested.
In the mean time if you get some important,please let me know.
