Inability to OPEN PORTLET TOOLS MENU (JavaScript error)

On almost all pages (no rhyme or reason is apparent) when trying to open the portlet tools menu to edit a portlets properties on a specific page (when editing the page) I get a JavaScript error. Has anyone else seen this? Screen shots below.

Error is: CAF.PopupCalendar is undefined

Thanks fellas,


VER_MWS.bmp (80.1 KB)
SysInfo_MWS.bmp (282 KB)
Noname.bmp (806 KB)

Please apply the latest fixes of MWS, there was issue fixed with this error recently.

Thanks. Do you happen top have the Fix#? A seacrh of Empower came up empty.

Thanks again,


MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix10 should be the fix.