Importing wsdl's and xsd's from Subversion into Centrasite

I’m using Centrasite 3.1.8 community edition, and we have an existing contracts and schema’s in subversion. How best can I import the lot into Centrasite?

Is there a bulk import tool?

Hello Rasheed,

yes this is possible and will be documented for the upcoming new release as well.

Here is a short summary how you can do that:

The following example demonstrates a Windows batch script that calls an importer. Please change path settings as needed

@echo off
REM Import Web Service to CentraSite

set JAVAEXE=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_11\bin\java
set REDIST=C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\redist
set BASEDIR=%~dp0
cd /d %REDIST%

REM build CLASSPATH with all files from jar directory
for %%i in (“.*.jar”) do call “%BASEDIR%lcp.cmd” %%i

com.centrasite.jaxr.webservice.WebServiceRegistrator %*

cd /d %BASEDIR%

where lcp.cmd contains the following: