I am new to SAG webMethods and currently trying to understand how webMethods can be used to expose RESTFul services / Web Services. I believe as per the new version ( v9.9 ) swagger documents can directly be imported into the designer to create resources, is this true? I’ve been trying to create that but no luck.
Can anyone help to with the steps to follow in order to import Swagger 2.0 document in webMethods Designer.
I am not using API Management ( centraSite ) but I am using webMethods Designer to develop ESB flows. Can we import swagger document in webMethods ESB ?
In 9.10 version, Designer has introduced new IS asset called “REST API Descriptor” by which you can create a swagger document out of IS REST resources & later you can expose this swagger text to API Portal manually & expose as an API, but the reverse of it i.e. consume Swagger text & creation of IS resource is not yet available, hopefully will be available in next few releases…