Implementing an Asset Selector in Web Plugin Application

Hi @Tristan_Bastian ,

I have implemented an asset selector in my web plugin application, and I want to achieve the following use cases:

  1. Device Selection Limit: I need to configure the asset selector to allow a maximum selection of 3 devices at a time and display the selected devices.
  2. Display Group Name Upon Device Selection: Whenever a device is selected, I want to display the name of the group to which the device belongs.
  3. Whenever I click the remove icon button in asset selection or group name, I want the selected device in the group to be unchecked.

Could you please assist me in achieving this using the asset selector in my application?

Hi @Tristan_Bastian,

Could you please assist me in achieving this using the asset selector in my application?

@ranjithkumar_m Just a small reminder: This is an open community and everybody is here to help. Please stop “spamming” namely members like Tristan by mentioning them repeatedly. I guess if Tristan has some spare time (or some other community members) he will answer.


Hi @Stefan_Witschel,
Thank you for the reminder. I didn’t intend to spam anyone, and I appreciate your point. I’ll be mindful of this in the future. That said, if anyone, including Tristan, has the time to help, I’d greatly appreciate some guidance on my question.
Thanks again!