I see this under Broker in Admin Console

Hi Friends,
In my localhost admin console under the Setting->Broker i see the following
Unable to connect to Broker: [ISS.0098.9014] BrokerException: Comm Failure (102-2050): Unable to open connection to host ‘localhost’. Error ‘java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information’ was reported by the socket call.
My broker info is as follows
Broker Hostlocalhost:6894Broker NameBroker #1Client GroupIntegrationServerClient PrefixdevInstanceUse SSLNo ConnectedNo

What must be the issue any help?

Can you check firewall settings for your broker server host? I have faced similar problem when the broker server was installed on another machine than IS.

Since your Broker is also on local host I am making wild guess here :slight_smile:

I too faced the same error when my IS was not able to ping the broker host. Please check in the admin whether the IS is connecting to the local host broker or some other broker
