I didn’t get the child device name in the API response when I used the following API:

I need child device Name with associated my group. I am using this API

getting Response
“childDevices”: {
“self”: "https://t50680.iot-dev.solenis.com/inventory/managedObjects/221374462620/childDevices",
“references”: [
“self”: "https://t50680.iot-dev.solenis.com/inventory/managedObjects/221374462620/childDevices/621374462631",
“managedObject”: {
“self”: "https://t50680.iot-dev.solenis.com/inventory/managedObjects/621374462631",
“id”: “621374462631”
}getting Id but our requirements is getting name also

To get the child device names, ensure your API endpoint includes a parameter or functionality that retrieves additional fields like “name.” Check the API documentation for options to include fields such as withFields=name or similar. If the API doesn’t support this, you may need to make separate requests using the IDs to fetch the names.