Https authorization

when trying to HTTPS post an XML to my own TN, I originally had this access denied error:

Task 50002200065lmfcn00000063 failed with no more retries available. Reason for failure - Delivery service for 50002200065lmfcn00000063 failed with a status of fail and status message of [ISS.0084.9101] Access Denied

Then I changed the HTTPS port access mode to “Allow by default” and tried to post to it again, and got this error:

Task 50002200065lpvof0000006g failed with no more retries available. Reason for failure - Delivery service for 50002200065lpvof0000006g failed with a status of fail and status message of [ISC.0064.9314] Authorization Required: [ISS.0084.9004] Access Denied

So where do I set up that authorization is not required to hit the service?
