What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?
API Gateway Cloud
webMethods Cloud
Are you using a free trial or a product with a customer license?
Customer license
What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.
In API Gateway for my API policies in “Request Processing” stage I would like to invoke “Invoke webMethods IS” policy. Documentation says that the webMethod IS should be installed in the same server as API Gateway. We are using webMethods-io-integration (cloud) and cloud API Gateway. Where is my webMethods IS? Is this policy applicable to API Gateway when it is deployed on Software AG cloud? How do I make my flows services from webMethods-io-integration visible by cloud API Gateway? How about other policies which allow a call to webMethods IS? Are they available with cloud deployment?
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
Have you installed latest fixes for the products
Both integration and gateway are running on Software AG cloud. Patches are as recent as Software AG pushed upon us.