How to test if a XopObject is set?


Could you tell me how to verify with a simple java service if an input Xop Object var is set and not null please?

I’ve tried this :

byte[] bytes = null;
try {
if (idcPipeline.first("bytes")) {
   bytes = (byte[]) idcPipeline.getValue();
    if (xop == null) {

and this :

Xop Object xop = null;
try {
if (idcPipeline.first("bytes")) {
	XOPObject xop = (XOPObject) idcPipeline.getValue();
	if (xop == null) {

But each time that says that the tested var is null.
Do I need to read the stream?

I would be grateful for any suggestion or code example please.


I’ve found by myself… it works.

Sorry I probaby missed my initial test.

if (idcPipeline.first("xop")) {