How to show tenant id in custom application


I have a custom application, but the application does not show the tenant’s id. I’m assigned the role using default and my custom application role is from role mapping. Anything I miss or miss I want to assign any role.

Here I noticed one point subscribed application. i can be able to see the tenet id

Expected View: I want to show the tenet id with details.

Actual View: I’m assigned roles for my custom application, default and custom application User access and Admin, Tenant Manager, is from Global role mapping mBut it’s not working.

Could you please help to me


Please follow the IoT Forum rules & General Posting guidelines in future posts and provide us details like e.g. the used versions of the Cumulocity Web SDK in the future.

If I understood you correctly, you are currently missing the section that shows the tenantId and version information below the logout button and would like to have it, right?

This section is hidden if you have set the hidePowered ApplicationOption (Web SDK documentation). This option could be set as part of your custom built application or e.g. through the branding that is applied to your tenant. If it is shown in other default applications, it is probably not part of your tenants branding.


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Hi @Tristan_Bastian
Sorry for the delayed response. Thanks for your response. Here we are not updating the hidePowered true are false in the header component. Could please help to me, how i can show the logout information below in tenant Id option after that.

Hi @ranjithkumar_m

You are still not providing any version information. We are not really able to help you without that.

The UI you are using seems to be version 1017 or higher as you are already having the new branding. But the screenshots that you are providing seem to be mocked. With 1017 and above we are no longer having the platform information (version and tenantId) in this location. It was moved into the drawer that opens when you press the user icon.

Hi @Tristan_Bastian,

Sorry for the inconvenience, Yes, that’s for mock screen, I’m using the cumulocity version for UI and Backend 1016.0.264

I have noted that one point subscribed application like cockpit,administration and devicemanagement etc… i can be able to see the tenet id with version.

Which application do you use where this is not showing up? Can you provide this application or even better it’s sourcecode?


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