How To - Portlet Wiring for Custom Task Inboxes

If you are struggling to work out how to use custom task inboxes as Portlets, here is a quick how to:

  1. Set up permissions to view the tasks etc. (as a quick shortcut, you can add the users to the My webMethods Administrators Role, which already has the correct permissions define - of course, do not use this approach in production).
    If tasks aren’t showing up, it is most likely to be a permissions issue…

  2. Add the Inbox & Results Portlets to the custom page

  3. Edit the wiring of the Inbox

  4. Set the Search Query Preference to be the “last search state” for the Inbox bar

  5. That should be it. If the view page is not found when selecting the task ID, then you may need to add an alias to the preferences for that page (create a custom page to host the Portlet first).