How to override the newRow() to create a new, blank row object in CAF

I would like to ask if anyone know how to override the newRow() to create a new, blank row object in CAF?

It is stated in the CAF document as follow:

2 Enable ʺtemplateʺ rows to be created; do either of the following:

  • Specify a the row class via the Rowtype property (the class must have a public,
    zero‐argument constructor).
  • Override the newRow() method to create a new, blank row object, and override
    the getCanTemplateRow() method to return true.

But there is no example on how to do.

My purpose to override the mentioned method is to assign default value to the rows in the table while new row is created by the “Add Row Icon” / “Add Row Button” / “Add Row Link”.