How to Modify ServerId field

We are in the process of migrating the WM platform from 6.1 to 7.1.2. We also need to migrate the runtime data as part of this upgrade. We had a created a new cloned SQL database instance from WM 6.1’s database and pointed the WM7.1.2 's JDBC pools to this new cloned SQL database backend.

We had noticed PRT and ISCore Audit tables (e.g: wmprocessstep,wmservice,wmserviceassoc,wmerror etc…) contain the serverId field. This field in the WM7.1.2 IScoreaudit and PRT tables still reflecting the old environment IP and port dedetails.

Can anyone suggset how to modify the server Id field for the WM PRT and Core Audit system tables so that it reflects the new environment details (Host IP , Port etc.)?


Hi Jp,

Have you build the processes in the 7.1.2 env after migrating the process ?

i think if you generate and upload the processes in the wm7 env it will update the tables .


When we try to re-build the process models using designer on the new 7.1.2 environment it inserts new records in process definition tables like WmProcessDefinition with process key value instead of updating the table. This is resulting duplicate process models in the data base and also the new model process keys to be different.One containing old environment details and the other contains new environment.Re-building also creates duplicate triggers subscribing to the same document wm.prt.dispatch:handleSubprocessStart.

One of the observation while we imported the Process Models from 6.1 to 7.1 the ProcessKey value in 6.1 does not reflect in the new environment. 7.1 seems to store the imported Process model with a ProcessID and the value is completely different.

We had noticed the Process Id getting generated automatically (non-ediatble) and it contains the foldername/process path/process name. This is different than the processkey value generated in modeler automatically.

Can you pls. suggest on how we can retain the process key values from 6.1 while building the 7.1.2 process models and avoid duplicate process defintions getting created at process audit database level.

P.S: Pls. note we don’t want to create a new process audit databse altogether for the WM7.1.2 as we need the runtimedata from WM6.1 while migrating it to WM7.1.2.


I think we can’t migratet the run time data from 6.1 to 7x for process models.But there is a possiblity that we can migrate both run and design time data for preocess models from 6.5 to 7x.

Please refer to the below link for migration of data;

other way around is migrate from 6.1 to 6.5 and then to 7x.

Yes…we can’t directly migrate the process audit data base directly from 6.1–> 7.1.2 but we can migrate the process models directly from 6.1–>7.1.2.
Precisely we have upgraded the process audit database from 6.1–>6.5–>7.1.2. The process audit database upgrade has been sucessful after running the migration scripts from 6.1–>6.5–>7.1.2 (It displays the message process audit upgrade sucessful after running the DB migration scripts for process audit. We had also created a process engine DB explicitly in 7.1.2. but the whole issue is while we import the process models we won’t be able to choose/modify the Process Id field as this was getting generated automatically (non-ediatble) and it contains the foldername/process path/process name. This is different than the processkey value which gets generated in modeler automatically.6.1.
This is casing the duplicate process defintions getting created at process audit database level while building them on WM7.1.2 environment.