This utility shows how to send inputs to a JAVA class, perform operations in JAVA class and return the values which can be mapped with the object fields using a Form script or a Field script.
Note: In this example, replace the values for tenant namespace, package name and class name with your environment values..
To update the class information:
1. Go to Settings > Customization > Developer Resources.
2. Click Classes.
3. Click New Class.
4. Enter the following code:
package com.platform.tenantNameSpace.packageName;
import java.util.*;
public class className
public Map methodName(Map params)throws Exception
// get params from form script
String requestID = (String) params.get("param1");
Map<String,String> returnMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
returnMap.put("returnParamString", "returnParamStringValue");
return returnMap;
Form Script of an object to invoke a class:
To invoke the class listed in the preceding section, update the Form script as follows:
1. Go to Settings > Customization > Objects.
2. Select the object.
3. Click Forms.
4. Select a layout.
5. Click Form Scripts.
6. Enter the the following values in the On Load Script or On Save Script section.
var paramValue = "input value";
var inputXML = "<platform>"
+ "<execClass>"
+ "<clazz>com.platform.tenantNameSpace.packageName.className</clazz>"
+ "<method>methodName</method>"
+ "<param1>" + paramValue + "</param1>"
+ "</execClass>"
+ "</platform>";
// Use jQuery's ajax method to invoke the REST API
type: 'POST',
url: '/networking/rest/class/operation/exec',
contentType: 'application/xml',
data: inputXML,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data)
// Call succeeded.
if (data.platform.execClass.returnParamString) {
// Copy data to form fields.
setTextFieldValue(_sdForm, "description", data.platform.execClass.returnParamString);
} else {
alert("No data returned.");
} // End of success function
}); // End of AJAX call