How to insert Decimal and Bigdecimal in JDBC Adpter Service

I am getting two fields as Double and Integer in my cannonical document which i have to insert in Table using JDBCAdapter Servcies.
But when i am making input as BigDecimal in my service it showing me as an object in my input parameters which i am not able to map with Double or integer.
Please guide me how to insert these values ???

You should make a simple convert java service that takes in your Integer or Double and converts it to a java.math.BigDecimal. You output should look like an unknown Object, and that can be mapped to your adapter service. Good day.

Yemi Bedu


In the JDBCAdapter insert template service select the JDBCField type to java.lang.string this will show as string in the service outpt.So you can map the canonical bigDecimal to adapter service input directly.

I am sure this will work and inserts to DB.