How to implement BPMN Event Based Gateway in webMethods Proc


I want to implement a process that contains a BPMN Event Based Gateway in a webMethods process. An Event Based Gateway waits for one ore more message events and only executes one of them (or a timeout). So the process should receive the first message and should continue. A following message would not be received.

We tried to use receive activities followed by an unsynchronized OR join. But this solution also processes a second event and executes the join more than once.

Any ideas on that?



no ideas out there? OK- I just want to let you know how we finally solved the issue:

We start a sub process containing the receive steps as parallel steps. As soon as the first message is received we reply to the parent and finish the sub process.

We also asked software AG how to implement the use case - and they told us that there may be a real XOR Join in future releases that would help implementing such a scenario without the overhead of a sub process.
