I want to implement a double dimensional (string)array in my flowService.
Do i need to write a java service for this…? or Is there any service?
If yes, could u please tell me in detail of how would i add a item and retrive the item from that list…
Hi Srikanth,
YOu can use a string table for a two dimensional array. There are service si n pub folder to insert and retrive data from a string table. Please go through BOS Reference guide for more details
Hi pradeep,
Can you tell me what are the services that can be used to populate a double dimensional array. is there a built in service to do that?
Not so sure about data insertion (other than by explicit MAP), but pub.string:lookupTable can access data in a string table.
I would use simple java for insertion…
IDataCursor idc = pipeline.getCursor();
String sri = new String [2][2];
// Map your pipeline here
sri[0][0] = “00”;
sri[0][1] = “01”;
sri[1][0] = “10”;
sri[1][1] = “11”;
Did you find how you will do it in 2 dimensional?