how to get Prompt Message Box in runtime and navigate to the

Hi All,

i have requiremnet that in my portlet view, am invoking action methods in button clicks in modal dialog contol, this action method invoke webservice check the customer has email address, if not give false /true as an output,if it gives flase i need to Prompt Message Box or Confirm Box
in runtime and ask to to navigate update contact details portlet view which is in other project, can any one help me how to get Prompt Message Box or Confirm Box in runtime in action methods and navigate to update contact portletview which is in other project if clicks ok button in Prompt Message Box or Confirm Box and clicks cancel button need to stay back in same page with modal dialog control prompt.

Anil Kumar Ellendula

Anil Kumar Ellendula

Focusing on the Confirmation Dialog first… Please look at the Designer Online help at: User Interface Controls Reference → User Interface Controls Concepts → Client-Side Libraries-> CAF.Dialog Class.

That should help you create the customized prompting box that you are interested in. Let me know what else you need assistance with.


Hi Mimel,

Thanks for reply, i need to prompt CAF.Dialog in action method , action method calling web service if it giving output as false boolean value, i need to prompt the dialog if i click yes need to go to other portlet which is in other project, if no need to be in same page, please help me how to do this.
Anil Kumar ellendula

Let’s break this into sections:

What does it mean to raise a prompt in an action method? An action is executed on the server and the prompt is in the browser? Do you want the prompt to happen first or after the server side action?

You can use Portlet Links to navigate to another portlet, correct?

The prompt will be dismissed automatically.
