How to find Task Type ID

Time 15.08.2022 06:05:00.087
Server epr-prd-bpm-c
Package CxtMail
Service CxtMail.priv.task:queueTask
Code POP.017.0016
Message [RT_BPM_CXTMAIL_E0013]: Failed to queue task: Exception occurred while invoking webservice: http://epr-prd-mgmt105:8585/services/bizPolicy/task. Details: SOAPException( Server.userException: [POP.017.0016] Task Type ID is not valid 4B9B8CBF-AD3F-F07E-97A1-0BD9E51DD3F2 ): [POP.017.0016] Task Type ID is not valid 4B9B8CBF-AD3F-F07E-97A1-0BD9E51DD3F2
Stack Trace com.wm.lang.flow.FlowException:[RT_BPM_CXTMAIL_E0013]: Failed to queue task: Exception occurred while invoking webservice: http://epr-prd-mgmt105:8585/services/bizPolicy/task. Details: SOAPException( Server.userException: [POP.017.0016] Task Type ID is not valid 4B9B8CBF-AD3F-F07E-97A1-0BD9E51DD3F2 ): [POP.017.0016] Task Type ID is not valid 4B9B8CBF-AD3F-F07E-97A1-0BD9E51DD3F2

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What is the Task Type ID is not valid 4B9B8CBF-AD3F-F07E-97A1-0BD9E51DD3F2 ?
Where can i find this ?

Have you installed all the latest fixes of the products and systems you are using?

When i open in Browser : http://epr-prd-mgmt105:8585/services/bizPolicy/task
I get


Problem accessing /services/bizPolicy/task. Reason:

HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL

I hope these help -

  1. Tasks and Task Types are described here (link).
  2. Task Type Inbox is explained here (link).
  3. You can programmatically get the Task Type ID as well (link).

I haven’t worked with Tasks for ages; perhaps someone else can respond with finer details.


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