How to display the date in server.log


I would like to include the date in the server rows. According to my understanding watt.server.dateStampFmt applies for (all) log files except server.log.
Is there a way to include it in watt.server.serverLogFmt definition ?
Anybody who has the definition for each {1}, {2}… fields ?

Many Thanks

myServer.log has:

watt.server.serverLogFmt={4}\ \ [{6}{7}.{1}.{0,number,0000}]\ {3}
watt.server.dateStampFmt=yyyy-MM-dd\ hh:mm:ss:SSSS

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For those who are interested :
The available formatting options are:

	{0} - Error code.
	{1} - Facility code.
	{2} - Severity char.
	{3} - Error message.
	{4} - Sequence number.
	{5} - DateStamp.
	{6} - Product group.
	{7} - Product component.
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