How to debug JDE Adapter from command prompt


I am trying to run the JDE Adapter 411 in debug mode from the command prompt. While using the beans_adapter command, I see an error. enclosed is the screen shot.

C:\>beans_adapter BLY01_JDE_JDEAdapter01 BLY01_BKR01@blyeaibkr01:9001 0 debug=1
[Debug] println An exception occured while getting an instance in JDEProperty.jas.ini (The system cannot find the file specified)
[Debug] println log not defined in JAS.INI file. stderr will be used.
[Debug] println rtlog not defined in JAS.INI file. stderr will be used.
[Debug] println debuglog not defined in JAS.INI file. stdout will be used.
INTEROP : Hostname or portnumber is not set up in INI file.
[Adapter Process] (085) The adapter process could not start up. null

My instincts are to include the path of the jas.ini as well as my JDE repository info. But if anyone has tried to run in debug mode from the command prompt, I would like to know how it can be done.

For all folks who do not know the answer:

use the command
beans_adapter “JDE Adapter Name” “Broker@hostname:port” 0 debug=1 -Dconfig_file=c:\wment41\jas.ini

For eg:
C:\>beans_adapter oneWorld “Broker #1@100001474” 0 debug=1 -Dconfig_file=c:\wment41\jasdv.ini

This will help to run the JDE Adapter in debug mode.