How to create a self signed certificate?

Hi Everyone!

       I am new to certificate creation . Can any one suggest me how to create a self signed certificate . I have used keytool for creating keystore.

The command that i have used is

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias abhijith -keystore sample.jks -storepass 123456 -validity 360 -keysize 1024.

After executing this command in the command prompt i can see a .jks file in the jvm location . i guess this will create a private key in the keystore file .

for self certificate creating i have used

keytool -storepass password -alias abhijith501 -keystore sample.jks -export -rfc -file outfilename.cer

is the above command correct or wrong?

After executing the above command i see an error as

“keytool error: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect”

But i have given the correct password.

Now my question is how to create a certificate from this keystore file.Would i be using any other commands for creating the certificate. if yes can you specify the command.

Correct me if am going in the wrong direction… waiting for your reply…


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