how to connect to bloomberg trading system

How to use WebMethod to get trades message from Bloomberg trading system ? Is there any adapter for Bloomberg ?

Hi All,

Has anyone worked on an adapter for the Bloomberg Data License(Per Security) product? I’m not sure if this is the same as the Bloomberg trading system that is mentioned above.

We are about to start development in webMethods to create the Bloomberg request file, then ftp poll for the reply file, followed by reading the Bloomberg reply file.

Would be keen to talk to anyone we has taken on this challenge previously.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Chris,
I happen to know that webMethods Professional Services did built interfaces to/from BloomBerg.
When I was investigating this (in 2002) webMethods told me they built integrations to the Bloomberg Price Engine Feed and Trade System Feed.
I seem to recall they used custom socket adapters built using the “old” pre-6 Enterprise Adapter developers kit. They may have done more since then…and maybe created something based on the new Integration Server adapter run time.

Someone at webMethods should be able to help with this. If you don’t have any luck let me know and I may be able to dig up a contact.

