How to change the default 9000 port

Hi There,

I am trying to complete a lab exercise for “Setup Environment and create a new Web Application” & “Clone Cockpit App” with Cumulocity IoT Essential course.

As part of the lab, I need to install the application locally and then test the application on the local server which runs on port 9000 (by default). The port localhost:9000 is already being used by some application hence I am not able to complete “npm start”

Is there a way to change the default port 9000 to something else?


you can specify a different port using the -p [port] or --port [port] cli options of the c8ycli.
You can find some more details by running: c8ycli server --help.

So you could start the application using c8ycli server -p 9999 or edit the start script of your package.json.

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