What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?
Integration Server 10.3 IS_10.3_SPM_Fix2 IS_10.3_Core_Fix4
Are you using a free trial or a product with a customer license?
Customer License
What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.
Hello - I’m trying to update our certificates in our PRD Integration Server. But, when setting a .p12 file, it gives me an error saying that the certificate could not be loaded.
It worked in our QAS Integration Server when I set provider to “BC”. But we don’t have this provider in our PRD environment.
So, how can I get the class of this “BC” provider and add it in our PRD Integration Server?
I did the “find ./ -name ‘bc*’” in our QAS server and it displayed the following files:
Thanks in advance!
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
Error: cannot load the keystore for alias 'ABCKeyStore'. Details: attempt to initialize keystore using location(/home/abc/certs/2022/integrationserver.p12) failed.