Below shows a document that I’m receiving
- MonMorningFrom
- MonMorningTo
- MonAfternoonFrom
- MonAfternoonTo
- TueMorningFrom
- TueMorningTo
- TueAfternoonFrom
- TueAfternoonTo
- and on and on and on until Sunday (AfternoonTo)
There are moments when I would get the above and the requirement is that if I receive it and EVERY FIELD contains 000000, I am to execute another service. I cannot execute the service if say only MonMorningFrom contains zeroes. It has to be all the fields or nothing. In case you’re wondering, if zeroes are sent over, it’s always a 6 digit numeric.
For some reason, the only way I can think of at the moment is to branch on the document, then put the below in the sequence step, which looks to be ridiculous to me.
%ContactVisitHours/MonMorningFrom% == 000000 && %ContactVisitHours/MonMorningTo% == 000000 && %ContactVisitHours/MonAfternoonFrom% == 000000 && %ContactVisitHours/MonAfternoonTo% == 000000 && %ContactVisitHours/TueMorningFrom% == 000000 && %ContactVisitHours/TueMorningTo% == 000000 && %ContactVisitHours/TueAfternoonFrom% == 000000 && %ContactVisitHours/TueAfternoonTo% == 000000 && on and on and on until Sunday
There has got to be a better, simpler way and I’m having a brain cramp. Can you please provide an alternative? Thanks.