How compile: ?


My software is:
1) Tamino
2) Windows 2000 Professional with SP2
3) jdk 1.4.0
4) TaminoClient.jar, TaminoAPI4J.jar

I have tried to compile source code by using command:


Unfortunately I got the following message error:

“ reference to TAccessFailureMessage is ambigious, both class com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.common.TAccessFailureMessage in com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.common and class com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor match TAccessFailureMessage accessFailure = accessorException.getAccessFailureMessage();

Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.

Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.

1 error”

What should I do to compile this java source code successfully?

Thanks in advance!

Dariusz Baumann


Here is this source code:

|| Example for the Tamino API for Java
|| It is assumed that a Tamino database called “myDB” has
|| been created and is running.
|| For storing data the default collection ino:etc is used
|| which should only be used for examples/test code.
|| We do not recommend this for real applications.
|| The following tasks are performed:
|| - establish a connection to the Tamino database
|| - obtain an XML accessor
|| - start a local transaction mode and
|| o retrieve first object stored
|| o update object just inserted
|| o on success commit transaction otherwise roll back
|| - switch back to auto-commit mode
|| - query updated document
|| - delete document
|| - close the connection
package com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.examples.greeting;

import com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.;
import com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.common.
import com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.connection.;
import com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.objectModel.
import com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.objectModel.jdom.;
import com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.response.
import org.jdom.;
import org.jdom.input.

public class ProcessXMLGreeting {

public ProcessXMLGreeting(String databaseURI,String collection) throws TConnectionException {
// Obtain the connection factory
TConnectionFactory connectionFactory = TConnectionFactory.getInstance();
// Obtain the connection to the database
connection = connectionFactory.newConnection( databaseURI );
// Obtain a TXMLObjectAccessor with a JDOM object model
accessor = connection.newXMLObjectAccessor( TAccessLocation.newInstance( collection ) ,
TJDOMObjectModel.getInstance() );

private void performInsert(TXMLObject xmlObject) throws TException {
// TResponse represents an access response from Tamino
TResponse response = null;
// Insert the XML document
try {
// Invoke the insert operation and obtain the response
response = accessor.insert( xmlObject );
// Show the collection, doctype and id
System.out.println( “Insert succeeded, ino:collection:” + xmlObject.getCollection() +
“, ino:doctype:” + xmlObject.getDoctype() +
“, ino:id:” + xmlObject.getId() );
catch (TInsertException insertException) {
showAccessFailure( insertException );
// Rethrow the exception
throw insertException;

private void performUpdate(TQuery query,String updatedText) throws TException {
TLocalTransaction localTransaction = null;
// Perform query and update operations within a transaction
try {
// Switch to local transaction mode
localTransaction = connection.useLocalTransactionMode();
// Invoke the query to obtain the document and to lock it
TResponse response = accessor.query( query );
// Obtain the TXMLObject from the response
TXMLObject xmlObject = response.getFirstXMLObject();
if ( xmlObject == null )
// Obtain the JDOM element and update its content
Element element = (Element)xmlObject.getElement();
element.setText( updatedText );
// Invoke the update
response = accessor.update( xmlObject );
System.out.println( “Update succeeded!” );
// Commit the transaction
// TQueryException and TUpdateException are both derived from TAccessorException
// so we simply use the base class here
catch (TAccessorException accessorException) {
showAccessFailure( accessorException );
throw accessorException;
finally {
// Switch back to auto-commit mode

private void performQuery(TQuery query) throws TException {
// Now we query the updated object
try {
TResponse response = accessor.query( query );
TXMLObject xmlObject = response.getFirstXMLObject();
// Write the XML content into a StringWriter
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
xmlObject.writeTo( stringWriter );
System.out.println( “Queried document:” + stringWriter );
catch (TQueryException queryException) {
showAccessFailure( queryException );
throw queryException;

private void performDelete(TQuery query) throws TException {
// Finally, we delete the document again
try {
TResponse response = accessor.delete( query );
System.out.println( “Deleted the document!” );
catch (TDeleteException deleteException) {
showAccessFailure( deleteException );
throw deleteException;

// Build a JDOM Element from the given XML
private Element toJDOM(String xml) throws JDOMException {
SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
Document document = new StringReader( xml ) );
return document.getRootElement();

// Inform about the reason for the failure
private void showAccessFailure(TAccessorException accessorException) {
// Obtain an access failure message with the exact reason if Tamino request failed.
TAccessFailureMessage accessFailure = accessorException.getAccessFailureMessage();
if ( accessFailure != null )
System.out.println( “Access failed:” + accessFailure );
System.out.println( “Access failed:” + accessorException.getMessage() );

private void show() throws TException {
try {
// Instantiate a TXMLObject with the JDOM object model
TXMLObject xmlObject = TXMLObject.newInstance( toJDOM( XML ) );
// Initiate the insert
performInsert( xmlObject );
// Construct a query expression so that the inserted document can be referenced
TQuery query = TQuery.newInstance( xmlObject.getDoctype() + “[@ino:id="” +
xmlObject.getId() + “"]” );
// Initiate the update
performUpdate( query , “Hello World, updated :-)” );
// Initiate the query
performQuery( query );
// Initiate the removal
performDelete( query );
catch (JDOMException jdomException) {
catch (TException taminoException) {
finally {
// Close the connection

public static void main(String args) throws TException {
// Use ino:etc collection in the specified Tamino database
ProcessXMLGreeting processXMLGreeting = new ProcessXMLGreeting( DATABASE_URI , “ino:etc” );;

// URI of the Tamino database, please edit accordingly
private final static String DATABASE_URI = “http://localhost/tamino/myDB”;

// XML document to be written to the connected database
private final static String XML = “Hello


// The database connection
private TConnection connection = null;

// The accessor, here a high-level TXMLObjectAccessor
private TXMLObjectAccessor accessor = null;


It seems that you are using the new Tamino API v3.1.2. The TAccessFailureMessage class has been deprecated and become an interface in the com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.common package and the methods of TAccessorException have also been deprecated. Unfortunately the deprecated TAccessFailureMessage class still remains in the TaminoAPI4J.jar file causing the ambiguity.

This explains the compilation errors suggesting using java -deprecation and the ambiguity as well.

The javadoc suggests using the TException.getRootCause() method instead.

Also take Trevor’s answer to your other posting into account, when trying to run this.