Trying to figure out how to convert this query to XQuery format…
Anyone can help? Basically I want to get products that have sku id like "125" and do a sort in the return result.
Can someone who is already expert in XQuery give me some lights?
Please get the attached schema.
Catalog.tsd (2.9 KB)
I think you want
Product/SKU[contains(@id, ‘*’)]
Michael Kay
Sorry. I got mix up the two words. (XQuery and X-Query).
What I want is in XQuery my query string is Product/SKU[@id~=‘*’], so if I want to convert to X-Query string, what will it be.
I managed to resolve my puzzle. Thanks.
But I got another problem. when I execute the following query in TXQuery API, I encounter Exception.
path = “declare namespace ft="\”"+ " " +
“for $product in input()/Product” + " " +
“where (ft:text-contains($product/SKU/description,"” + input + “"))” + " " +
“return count($product)”;
TXQuery query = TXQuery.newInstance(path);
TResponse responseB = accessorB.xquery(query);
Is my XQuery string correct?
Hwee Choo