Generate WebDav link in custom Welcome Page with no need to re-authenticate


I have a customized Welcome Page in Centrasite and I want to link some documents that are stored in Centrasite’s WebDav.
The problem I have is that I get the authentication popup (permissions are configured for the files - putting user credentials in popup works well).

The way I could link without the need for re-authentication is to use a URL using proxy servlet with a unique connection key as stated in page 5 of this SAG Tech Newsletter -

This newsletter explains the need to create a URL like this: :/PluggableUI/servlet/ProxyServlet//ino:dav/

My problem is with this piece of code as I cannot find how to define a CommonAdapter so I can get the unique key.

public void connect(Credentials credentials, CommonAdapter commonAdapter)
throws Exception
CentraSiteProxyHandler proxy = new CentraSiteProxyHandler(credentials, BaseAdapter.getConnector(commonAdapter));
String uniqueKey = ProxyServlet.register(proxy);
commonAdapter.findSessionContext().bind("UniqueProxyKey", uniqueKey);

I could not find any information on this, can someone give some tips or give an alternative way to link to WebDav using the existing session?