FTPs and SFTP using the RI

We are in the early stages of developing a FTP listener for data inbound from trading partners. I have not seen any posts that deal specifically with receiving data other than using file poling.
We want to allow external partners who are unable/unwilling to perform HTTPS posts to use a secured FTP transport. Has any one dealt with or had success in allowing FTPs or SFTP traffic into their internal IS via reverse invoke or port forwarding? We want the partner to invoke our receive services without using file poling or allowing the data to sit in a staging area for any length of time.
Has any one totally thrown in the towel and decided to exchange floppy disks instead?


There is a sample package available on the advantage site that shows you how to use FTPS/SFTP transfers with RI in a very crude/inefficient way using flow.


Thanks TS, I have downloaded the sample and PDF, and will pick through it.

Im still interested in hearing of anyones success or failure and any issues faced. For example, receiving multiple inbound sessions in a short time frame, or issues forcing the data to Tspace.

Thanks again.


It is possible, depending on the specifics of the set up and the processing, for an IS to be overrun when allowing data to be “pushed” to it. Of course this is true of any system that supports having external entities establishing sessions and sending data. You’ll just want to be aware of the possibility and how to throttle things.

As you can see in the sample, its not the best implementation (really a sample). Sending large amounts of data via RI servers is not the most efficient solution due to RI protocol’s in memory processing.