FlatFile convertToValues Delimiters


I have a flat file schema that has record, field and release character defined. When testing the schema by passing it a file, everything works accordingly.

When calling pub.flatFile:convertToValues passing only the ffdata and ffSchema, it doesnt seem to pick up the delimiters from the flatfile schema.

Am I doing anything wrong?


Also, we have another similar problem…

we are using a format service to add quotes around string outgoing and strip them incoming. we also have a quoted release character set to "

The problem is, on outgoing (convertToString) strings are appearing as “”“string”“” instead of “string”, incoming (convertToValues) is fine.

Any help?


What version of wm are you using? I ran into something similar and I think I had to get a fix but I need to know the version first.

we are using 6.1 on windows

There are a number of fixes available for convertToString in 6.1.
Open a case with tech support. I’m sure they’ll have a fix for you.
Last time I checked they were not listed on Advantage.