FlatFile ConvertToString - result string empty string

Hi Everyone,

Iam currently working in 6.1 environment, iam selecting some records from stagingDabse(oracle) using dynamic SQL select query, i can successfully fetch records but when convert it to string iam getting an empty result string. Do i have to do any conversions after getting the records from database prior to convert string. I have defined FFSchema aswell.

Thanks for the help in advance,


Is your FFSchema matches up with the db resultset? such as recordidentifiers,fielddefinitons,loops etc…You better check the mapping part to FF documenttype/Schema and debug convertToString step…Step thru the flow and make sure the ffValues is valid against FFschema. If not parsing will result with null string.



Is your schema structure same as the records in the database?what input s u r passing to ffvalues in put pipeline.

After the retrieving the results from the databse ,prepare a document list and pass this documentlist to ffvalues,this doc list should be same as the schema.

I got my problem fixed and it is working fine now, I selected my record as fixed length and forgot to specify the record length.

Thanks RMG & Ravi for the quick response,