Is there any smart posibility to find out which of our >90 parameter files are in use. I think most of them are not in use. But I’m not sure.
I got the idea (similar to our natural programs) to use some kind of buffer pool statistis. But it seems like parameter files are read from the file system directly.
Of course I can rename it and wait if everything is OK. But is there any better idea?
The name of the parameter module you can get from *PARM-USER.
But you still have the risk that you don’t detect rarely used modules. Recommend you rename by adding e.g. a prefix of Z to the module name. Then you can always quickly bring it back again in case it is still neded. And if still not needed for a year or two you can delete it.
Knows this mess around parameter modules on Open Systems. Each appl.programmer tend to make his own parameter modules because it is so easy. :?
Mogens describes my problem. The bad thing is: You don’t know for what the Parameter Module is (or was) good for. Maybe it’s an ndvsrv-parameter module - so you will never start a “normal” natural-session with it. Maybe it’s a parameter module for an RPC-Server, …