Failed to connect Cumulocity cloud

now the file it looks like you said what should I do next to establish the connection

This is where reading the official documentation helps, A tour of thin-edge | Thin-edge

But in short, you can run the commands I posted earlier:

sudo tedge disconnect c8y
sudo tedge connect c8y

Here is the outcome

sudo tedge connect c8y
The system config file '/etc/tedge/system.toml' doesn't exist. Use '/bin/systemctl' as a service manager.

Checking if systemd is available.

Checking if configuration for requested bridge already exists.

Validating the bridge certificates.

Creating the device in Cumulocity cloud.

ERROR: ConnectionRefused(NotAuthorized)
Error: failed to connect Cumulocity cloud.

Caused by:
    Connection check failed

I would just suggest going through the getting started document steps again.

But I’ll have to let someone else take over for the moment.

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