Export issue in cockpit


Within one of our customer tenants, we have 150k devices. Customer is trying to export the devices using export feature in cockpit app. But we are unable to export beyond 1.2k as the excel is saying limit exceeded.
When i checked the documentation, it mentions the limit is 1M but we are not even able to export 150k. May i know what could be the reason for this ? How to overcome ?


Hi Bishan,

are you sure that you are measuring the same units here?
1M might be the resulting file size of the excel and not the number of devices to be exported.


I think the documentation is misleading here. 1 million documents can be retrieved in total without any filter applied. So for that reason you have 1.2k rows in your excel (after filter is applied) but in the background over 1 mio. documents were retrieved already.

Try to limit the number of devices you want the export created for or find a better time period for the filter e.g. week instead of month etc.

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I want to export all the devices in the tenant. Seems like this export is trying to export all managed objects in the tenant as there is no way i find to filter only devices to export.

This is how my export looks like. When i try to narrow down the export by selecting object to filter, i can select only one device there which is of no use to me.

It would be helpful if anyone points out how to export only devices.

Hi Holger,
You are right, its number of managed objects in general. But i want to export only devices. How can i achieve that?

@Stefan_Witschel , Client is trying to export all devices. so cant really use time period filter. We have total of 120k devices only. if we manage to export devices only then it will be under the limit. But i dont see any option how to achieve that.

The export is defined for managed objects, regardless of what the object is. Because you have specified fragments (Columns) to return which are specific to devices, any managed object documents that do not contain these fragments are discarded. Hence you read > 1 milion records but only get back 150k of devices.
Can you have a group containing all devices and use that as the object to export?

@Robert_Neale , thanks for the response. Totally it make sense now. I’ll check with client if they can create a group, add all devices and then use it to export.

If you want to regularly export data from the platform, you should also consider using Cumulocity IoT DataHub (Cumulocity IoT DataHub overview - Cumulocity IoT documentation).


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Youi can also set a filter predicate. In my case, my devices are bsci_Model so I filter on the types of bsci_Model I use. That only retrieves hardware and does not export other managed objects for me