Export Excel with portlet.table says Not Authorised

I have used the code:
<portlet:portlet uri=‘portlet.table’>
<util:param name=‘list’ value=‘<%=list%>’/>
<util:param name=‘portlet’ value=‘<%=portlet.getPortletThingID()%>’/>

    <util:param name='titles'><%=ListTools.listToString(titlesList)%></util:param>
    <util:param name='keys'><%=ListTools.listToString(keysList)%></util:param>
    <util:param name='values'><%=ListTools.listToString(valuesList)%></util:param>
    <util:param name='widths'><%=ListTools.listToString(widthsList)%></util:param>
    <util:param name='links'><%=ListTools.listToString(linksList)%></util:param>
    <util:param name='alignments'>,center,center,center,center,center</util:param>
    <util:param name='wrappings'>true,true,true,true,true,true</util:param>
    <util:param name='selected'>{<%=dbquery.getSelectedRowPropertyName()%>~=s/<ui:encode type='regexp' expr='<%=String.valueOf(dbquery.getSelectedRow(portlet))%>'/>/true/}</util:param>
    <util:param name='view' value='RETRYMESSAGES'/>
    <util:param name='start' value='<%=new Integer(portlet.getPropertyAsInt("RETRYMESSAGESstart", dbquery.getStartIndex(portlet)))%>'/>
    <util:param name='pageSize' value='<%=new Integer(portlet.getPropertyAsInt("RETRYMESSAGESpageSize", dbquery.getPageSize(portlet)))%>'/>
    <util:param name='sort' value='<%=portlet.getPropertyAsString("RETRYMESSAGESsort", dbquery.getSortColumn(portlet))%>'/>
    <util:param name='order' value='<%=portlet.getPropertyAsString("RETRYMESSAGESorder", dbquery.getSortDirection(portlet))%>'/>
    <util:param name='style' value='table'/>
    <util:param name='showHeader' value='true'/>
    <util:param name='showPagingHeader' value='false'/>
    <util:param name='showFooter' value='true'/>
    <util:param name='showTotal' value='true'/>
    <util:param name='showPages' value='true'/>
    <util:param name='showEmpty' value='true'/>

Then I have added <util:param name=‘showExport’ value=‘true’/>.

I have created a new group and assigned permission to this portlet. Even though I assigned the permission, clicking on the Export button open the error page (“Not Authorised”.)

Please let me know how give access to the Export button.


Is a member from that group able to browse to the original portlet?
When you click on the export button, some javascript will fire which will redirect you to a different URL, can you capture that URL (using the browser tool of your choice) and send that back to the forums?

Yes the member of that group is able to browse the portal page. It opens an error page only when user clicks on the Export Table button.

I tried getting the URL, but could not. It seems the code of Export Table is hiding the adrress bar.

Its still might be that user is missing some permissions. Could you please try same functionality using sysadmin user account (or portaladmin if you are on 6.5.x).

If it works then we’ll work on identifying what permissions are missing, if not then this is something else

yes portaladmin is able to export the data successfully. It doesn’t work only if I don’t assign the particular user an admin role.

Perhaps the group does not have access to the exportTable renderer. Try logging in as a user who belongs to that group and navigate to “http://[host]:[port]//renderers.exportTable”. If you see a “not authorized” message, login as sysadmin, navigate to the same page, and modify the permissions to allow the group read access to the renderer.