I have generated jsp code using XApplication/forte upon deploying the app, i get Following Exception Exception error message:
Stacktrace is: <java.lang.IllegalStateException: currentDocument is not accessible at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.jsptaglib.LoopTag.doInitBody(LoopTag.java:196) at org.apache.jsp.modify$jsp._jspService(modify$jsp.java:279)
X-Application Version: 3.1.1 Tamino Version : 3.1.1 Platform : Solaris 8 WebContainer : Tomcat 4.0.1 JDK Version : 1.3.1
with the Forte module you are using a pre-version of X-Application. It could be that the exception occurs due to a bug of this pre-version.
Can you download the newest version of X-Application?
! It requires Tamino 3.1.1.
! I don’t know if it’s possible to integrate the version within Forte. But, you can use the generator gui of X-Application.
If you are working on a Unix machine. There are scripts for the installation of X-Application. Have a look into <XAPPLICATION_HOME>/bin for the “.sh” files. Could be that they must be adapted (look into the readme.txt of the bin directory).
Check the new version if your problem still occurs.
Bye, Christian.
[This message was edited by Christian Freytag on 15 Mar 2002 at 10:58.]
I assume that you use the newest version (3.1.1) of the Forté tool. The basis for this version is X-Application 3.1.1.
You write that after deployment you get this problem. Does your application run on a windows system?
If it runs on the windows platform it would then be a platform problem.
Did you modify the generated application? Could it be possible that you try to access the modify page without having retrieved a document before (e.g. via query). Could you post reply the schema/dtd?