Help me please, somebody have a client example of EDI for fiole transfer???
Are you looking for an example EDI file? If so, for which transaction set and version? A search of the Internet using your favorite search should turn up many, many samples you can use.
You can also get EDI X12 sample from WmEDISamples package flows…extract from edidata from the pipeline of EDIToXML service…or other told option aswell.
I need a client to send a EDI file to service…
Are you looking for a front end to actually transfer the files? Your title had “client java” in it but I don’t know if you want a client program to manage the transport began a simple file copy. I would assume you can push it server-side using the ftp service. Good day.
Yemi Bedu
Can you specify what “serivce” is exactly. Where is the source file located? Is the service a flow service? what requirements surround how the client is made? Your response will need to be more than one line for a decent response on our ends.
Just to crack at it anyway. I use JSP hosted on our IS to present a front end to creating and sending EDI documents to our internal TN. You may be able to take a similar approach. Again, this is not a POJO type of client but a web client. Good day.
Yemi Bedu
Point to http://ServerName:port/WmEDI/ and in the navigation panel,click on Submit Test EDI Data.That is what i understood from your post.
I have a service in webMethods that he has that to receive an archive, that has 5mb-10mb, what this archive happens is text. When I generate the client of the webMethods and read this archive and I submit it as one string I have problems, the service is a connecting webservice and it webMethods is giving dumping of memory.
It seems you may have a LargeDoc issue. Look into the EDI and TN docs at the LargeDoc handling sections. Also lots of threads here on it as well.
I have an equal archive below wsdl to the described one, that it uses multipart of message, as I make pra to create a service thus.
xmlns:xsd=“[url=“XML Schema”][/url]”
<soap:binding style=“rpc”