we are planning to migrate all the 6.5 stuff to 7.1 .Before migrating we are planning to estimate the migration. can you please let me know what all stuff should be taken in to consideration before planning the migration…
Also can you please let me know is there any manual activities involved in migration… if yes do we have any scripts available for this manual activites so that we can reduce the time span of migration.
The first thing to take into account is 2-3 days to study the upgrade documentation and to download and complete the upgrade guide spreadsheets.
Then you’ll want to budget time to create a complete inventory of all of our IS 6.5 “stuff” (to use your term) that you’d like to migrate. Once you have that inventory, you can build estimates for how many things will be migrated and the amount of work you’ll need for each.
Then, of course, there is your full regression test plan to test the migrated “stuff”