Error while running the Subscription microservice locally


getting the error “Self registration procedure not activated for current application with MicroserviceMetadataRepresentation” while running the subscription microservice locally using bootstrap credentials.

2023-11-28 16:50:12.564 DEBUG 23940 — [subscriptions-0] .c.m.s.r.i.CurrentMicroserviceRepository : Self registration procedure not activated for current application with MicroserviceMetadataRepresentation(requiredRoles=null, roles=null, url=null)

what is the cause for this error and how can it be resolved.

Before you start a microservice locally you need to deploy it once in the Cumulocity Tenant or create the application manually.
After that you can fetch the bootstrap credentials and add them to your application properties file.

The process is described here: Microservice SDK for Java - Cumulocity IoT Guides