March 8, 2016, 8:35pm
Hello Team,
We were given a WSDL file from our BigMachine clients to generate the consumer. The consumer gets generated fine when we use a tool like SOAP UI.
However, when we try to create the webservice descriptor from designer it throws an error as follows:
[ISS.0092.9001] Server Error: [ISC.0082.9713] Unable to resolve QName
[ISC.0082.9713] Unable to resolve QName
Need your kind help in understanding what could be the possible error scenarios here.
WM Version: Version
(Tong Wang)
March 8, 2016, 11:10pm
In the WSDL file, do you see QName anywhere?
QName is used to identify the namespace of xml/wsdl in java code. Seems there is a empty namespace somewhere in the WSDL file you received.
There is no QName in the WSDL.
If there is an empty space will soap ui allow to create a consumer?
What did u do to fix it ?
Does your wsdl uses RPC. There could be a possibility that your WSDL is using RPC and you might be facing an issue using WS-Stack/Axis2 of designer to import. Try to use Designer pre 8.2 compatibility mode to import wsdl. OR else ask for a document/literal encoded Webservice from your client.