In my below code, i have input - object Node… ( which was converted from string to Node using the service XMLStringToNode service).
Inthe java service, we are invoking the service nodeToDocument, where the input was the above Node.
IDataCursor pipelineCursor = pipeline.getCursor();
Object node = IDataUtil.get( pipelineCursor, “node” );
IData output = IDataFactory.create();
IDataCursor outputCursor = output.getCursor();
IDataUtil.put( outputCursor, “node”, node );
IData output1 = IDataFactory.create();
IDataCursor outputCursor1 = output1.getCursor();
output1 = Service.doInvoke( “pub.xml”, “xmlNodeToDocument”, output );
catch( Exception e)
IDataUtil.put( pipelineCursor, “Exception”, e.getMessage() );
IData document = IDataUtil.getIData( outputCursor1, “document” );
IDataUtil.put( pipelineCursor, “document”, document );
The problem is that, i get the null document as output.
Please let me know wehre am i wrong