Error in Passing I/P values to Dynamic SQL

Hi all,
I am getting the following error while invoking the dynamic sql service:

I have tried to execute in following ways:
1- I wrote an sql statement in SQL field line as:
select * from tablename where date = ‘12/JUL/2006’
I got the required output.

2- In real time I will get the where condition to this Adapter serive.
I wrote an sql statement in following way for this:
select * from tablename ${str}
I created one Input field as str (where date = ‘12/JUL/2006’ ) and selected output fields, while executing this serivce its showing the following error: [ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service TEST.adapterService:TESTDYN.
[ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement ““SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE date = ‘12/JUL/2006’””. "
(17003) Invalid column index"
Invalid column index

Could some body please help me.


Let your query be
SELECT * from TableName where date = ${str}
and pass only date as input to str.


          Did you have this issue resolved ??  If so please let me know.

My problem was with my SQL query and it works now.

select * from tablename where date = ‘${str}’

Hi All,

Below is the query which i need to implement in webMethods,since this is related to outer join im unable implement in normal select adapter service so i m choosing Dynamic sql.

select a.X_SALES_REGION, ALIAS_NAME, Primary_Industry_Name
from tbsie.mv_s_org_ext a, tbsie.mv_s_org_syn b, tbsie.mv_S_INDUST c
where b.OU_ID(+) = a.row_id
and a.X_PR_INDUST_ID = c.row_id(+)

Apart from these , I should be able to pass a DATE field as input so that the select query should fetch only those records which are greater than the given date.

Please advice on this.