Error in creating sql adapter with WM 60

I am trying to create an SQL adapter with webMethods 6, inspite of putting the jar files in c:\Webmethods6\Integrationserver\lib\jars folder and restarting the server I continue to get this error:
Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource Test:Test.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.1.200] The JDBC DataSource class " " cannot be located. .class not found

Please let me know a solution for this



Hi Alok,

Can you see the jar file via the “Server > About” page from the IS console ? Just to make sure …
If so you might have to add something in the ‘Other Properties’ field of the adapter config page. Check ch3 of the JDBC adapter documentation : IntegrationServer\packages\WmJDBCAdapter\doc\WmJDBCAdapterUserGuide.pdf


Alok first thing first; did you put classes12.jar in that jar folder, and after that did you configure your adapter ?

Is there a space on the end of the " " By any chance? I’m always worried by extra spaces at the end of classnames and the like and it looks like the message that you’ve pasted has one…

Nathan Lee
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