Am getting this error while trying to connect to Siebel from IS server using the siebel adapter.
Can someone shed some light on this??
Could not connect: CoreServices.checkRepositoryConnection - poolMgr.getConnection threw this: type(com.wm.pkg.siebel.ConnectionPoolException), msg([badConnOpen]ConnectionPool.ConnectionEntry.ctor - connection.connect fails; returns false)
Did you find the resolution to this? I am having the same problem. Siebel 3.0/IS6 talking to Siebel 7.5.2
Hello Porus,
This can happen if the Siebel Server disconnects or get rebooted during the time that the Siebel Adapter is running. You can try setting the minimum connection pool to 0. Also, restart the Integration Server to see if the connection pool is cleaned out.
Well, the Siebel server did not disconnect or reboot,
but I get a CodePage 646 not supported error. Any clues?
I am just pressing the ‘Test Connection’ button in the configuration screen and I get this error.
What version of the Siebel adapter are you working with?
for the CodePage 646 not supported error, you need to do the following on your IS file:
to support CodePage 646
export LC_CTYPE
This sets your IS’s codepage to EN_US which is the same default codepage for the Siebel Server.