Enable SSO using Keycloak with Developer Portal

Enable SSO using Keycloak with Developer Portal

This guide enables you to connect the Developer Portal to Keycloak for using Single-Sign On (SSO) with SAML protocol. Users logged in inKeycloak can work in Developer Portal without login again.

Keycloak as Identity Provider (IdP) and Prerequisites

Keycloak acts as an IdP to authenticate and authorize users. We configure Developer Portal that Keycloak can be used as IdP.

To support multiple tenants (or clients), you can create multiple realms. After first installation, there is only a Master realm. It is not recommended this. Use or create your own realm for this integration scenario.

Add a SAML Client in Keycloak

Add a new client (e.g. developer-portal ID) of client protocol saml in your Keycloak reaml …

Add new client

After adding a new client, we change following settings …

Setting Value Maybe a Reason or Description …
Sign Documents disabled For the first test we don’t need to sign documents. We sign documents later in this guide.
Client Signature Required disabled For the first test we don’t need it at this time.
Root URL https://api-portal.yourdomain.com Replace api-portal.yourdomain.com by your own hostname
Valid Redirect URIs /portal/*
Base URL /portal
Master SAML Processing URL https://api-portal.yourdomain.com/portal/rest/v1/saml/initsso Replace api-portal.yourdomain.com by your own hostname

Add Mappers

Protocol Mappers are mapping user information into SAML protocol. Go to Mappers tab into you new created developer-portal client and press Add Builtin mappers X500 email, X500 givenName and X500surname

… and press Add selected. Additional we need a group mapper of type Group list to transport the group member information …

Notice and remember the value of SAML Attribute Name for each mapper. We need the values later on SAML configuration settings in Developer Portal.

Mapper SAML Attribute Name Value Hint
X500 Email urn:oid:1.2.840.113549.1.9.1
X500 GivenName urn:oid:
X500 Surname lastName This value must be set manually by replacing urn:oid:
maps-groups member

Configure SAML in Developer Portal

To configure SAML in Developer Portal, go to Administration > SAML > General

We must set following settings on General tab …

Setting Value Description
SAML enabled On
Binding Redirect
Identity provider ID https://keycloak.yourdomain.com/realms/DeveloperPortal Set to URL of Keycloak and the realm name. Replace DeveloperPortal by your own realm.
Service provider ID developer-portal This is the client ID created in Keycloak
Single sign-on endpoint https://keycloak.yourdomain.com/realms/DeveloperPortal/protocol/saml Set to URL of Keycloak and the realm name. Replace DeveloperPortal by your own realm.
Single logout endpoint https://keycloak.yourdomain.com/realms/DeveloperPortal/protocol/saml Set to URL of Keycloak and the realm name. Replace DeveloperPortal by your own realm.
On User attributes tab …
First name urn:oid: SAML Attribute Name value of mapper
Last name lastName SAML Attribute Name Value of mapper
Email urn:oid:1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 SAML Attribute Name value of mapper
Member of member SAML Attribute Name value of mapper
On Advanced settings tab …
Create user automatically On This allows Developer Portal to create a user locally.

Test the Round Trip

With the basic settings in Keycloak and Developer Portal you are ready to test the SSO login. For this, you need an onboarded user credentials in Keycloak. Go to the login page of Developer Portal …

… and use the Sign in with SSO button to login …

Keycloak Developer Portal Login Page

… and after login, you are redirected to Developer Portal …

… but you doen’t have any privileges. This let us to move to the next step and defines user groups in Keycloak.

Optional: Validate Mappers

Remember, we have selected the option Create user automatically. With all logins of a user, the user is created (or updated if already exists) in Developer Portal with all defined attributes. Login into Developer Portal as administrator and go to Home > Manage Users and validate the attributes of already logged in user. If an attribute is not corrected filled, validate the mappers.

Create User Groups in Keycloak

We create 3 user groups API Developer Portal Administrator, API Developer Portal Consumer and API Developer Portal Provider in Keycloak …

Now, we need a user in Keycloak which will member of all created groups temporary. You can use the user of the first round trip. Assign the user to all 3 groups.

Assign Privileges to User Groups

With the login procedure, the SAML protocol transports all group information of the user in Keycloak to Developer Portal. If we do a login again with the user which is member of all 3 groups, all groups are imported and available in Developer Portal. All imported groups have leading slash …

Now, we edit each group and assign privileges …

Assign Privileges

Conclusion: With the membership assignment of users in Keycloak to groups, we defines the privileges in Developer Portal.

Remember, we have assigned all 3 groups to the test user temporary. The assignment of membership can now moved to the correct once.

Make SAML Communication secured

Under construction: We continue here next time

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